by Lynne Jensen
         Who do you know who could be helped with essential oils?

Client Intake Form




Phone Number:_________________________________________________




Reason for visit:

What is your primary health concern?____________________________________

When was the year/month of the onset of concern?_________________________

What have you tried that makes it better?________________________________

What makes it feel worse?_____________________________________________

Chronic conditions (Please check those that apply)

High Blood Pressure______     Low Blood Pressure______

Epilepsy_______ Any seizure disorder_____   Allergies____

Are you pregnant?___________Are you trying to become pregnant?____________

Are you under the care of any health practitioner? If so list the conditions you are being treated for. ___________________________________________________


Please list all medications, herbs and supplements you are presently taking?____________________________________


Please list all surgeries and the dates._____________________________________

Social History:

Do you exercise regularly?__________________Times per week?____________

Have you ever experienced any allergic reactions to any substances? (food, environment)_____________________________________

Do you currently smoke?______________

How long have you smoked?_________________

Do you drink any caffeinated drinks?_________

Please rate your level of stress. 1-10 with 10 being highest)_________________

How many hours of sleep do you get a night?___________

Please provide any other information you think we should know in order to treat you safely and effectively?____________________________________________________




_______Fainting_______Fatigue_______Headaches_______Mental Disorders



______Menopausal______Hot Flashes______Mood swings______Irregular cycle

______Breast Lumps______Infertility______Vaginal Discharge______Lower Back

______Mood swings______Veneral Disease

Muscles & Joints

_____Arthritis_____Backache/Upper_____Backache/Lower_____Broken bones

_____TMJ/Popping Jaw_____Mobility Limitations_____spinal Curvature

_____Sprained tendons/muscles _____Swollen Joints_____Stiff Neck


_____Heart Attack_____Heart Disease_____High blood Pressure_____Low blood

Pressure_____Pain In Heart_____Poor Circulation_____Swelling in Ankles

_____Swelling in Joints_____Previous Stroke_____Heart Murmur


_____Belching_____Constipation_____Abdominal Pain_____Colitis


_____Boils_____Acne_____Dehydrated (Lack of Water)_____Dryness (Lack of oil)

_____Itching_____Vericose Vein_____Inflamed/Sensitive


_____Excessive Urination_____Water Retention

Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat

_____Asthma_____Ear Aches_____Eye Pains Wet/Dry_____Failing Vision

_____Glaucoma_____Sinus Infection_____Sore Throat_____Sinus Congestion_____


Asthma_____Chest Pain_____Difficulty Breathing_____Dry cough_____Spitting blood

Where do you want to be and what do you need to get there?

 Informed Consent

Note: Must be signed by every client.

Please read and sign.

Aromatherapy is an incredible healing art and science that supports and enhances the individual’s ability to heal and maintain health.

I have stated all my known conditions and have answered all questions honestly.

I understand that this consultation is designed to gather information so that my practitioner is able to design and create aromatic products based upon my unique needs and goals. I understand if my condition changes I take upon myself to keep the practitioner informed.

I understand the consultant does not diagnose, prevent or treat illness, disease, or any other physical or mental conditions.

I understand the treatment is not a substitute for medical treatments and/or diagnosis, and it is recommended that I see a qualified professional for any physical or mental conditions that I may have.

This consultation does not take the place of a medical evaluation.

I hold my essential oil consultant (Name of consultant) ______________________

harmless for any injuries or negative effects I may experience as a result of using the products I receive from this consultant.

I hold Applied Aromatic Institute harmless for any injuries or negative effects I may experience as a result of using the products I receive from the consultant.

Print client name:_________________________________

Client Signature:__________________________________Date:____________________

Print student name_________________________________

Student Signature__________________________________Date:___________________